Archive for September, 2011

2012 New Orleans Area Mardi Gras Parade Schedule



Saturday Feb 4 Krewe du Vieux French Quarter 6:30 pm (I’m in KdV!!)
Sunday Feb 5 Lil Rascals Metairie 12:00 pm
Friday Feb 10 Cork French Quarter 3:00 pm
Oshun Uptown 6:00 pm
Cleopatra West Bank 6:30 pm
Excalibur Metairie 7:00 pm
Eve Mandeville 7:00 pm
Atlas Metairie 7:30 pm
Saturday Feb 11 Choctaw West Bank 11:00 am
Adonis West Bank 11:45 am
Pontchartrain Uptown 2:00 pm
Nemesis Chalmette 2:00 pm
Olympia Covington 6:00 pm
Sparta Uptown 6:00 pm
Caesar Metairie 6:00 pm
Pygmalion Uptown 6:45 pm
Sunday Feb 12 Carrollton Uptown 12:00 pm
Alla West Bank 12:00 pm
Dionysus Slidell 1:00 pm
Rhea Metairie 2:00 pm
Thor Metairie 3:00 pm
King Arthur Uptown 1:15 pm
Barkus French Quarter 2:00 pm
Wednesday Feb 15 Ancient
Uptown 6:30 pm
Thursday Feb 16 Babylon Uptown 5:45 pm
Muses Uptown 6:15 pm
Chaos Uptown 6:30 pm
Friday Feb 17 Hermes Uptown 6:00 pm
Uptown 6:00 pm
Selene Slidell 6:30 pm
Orpheus Mandeville 7:00 pm
Morpheus Uptown 7:00 pm
Centurions Metairie 7:00 pm
Saturday Feb 18 NOMTOC West Bank 9:45 am
Tucks Uptown 10:00 am
Iris Uptown 11:00 am
Endymion Mid-City 4:15 pm
Isis Metairie 6:30 pm
Sunday Feb 19 Okeanos Uptown 11:00 am
Mid City Uptown 11:45 am
Thoth Uptown 12:00 pm
Bacchus Uptown 5:15 pm
Napoleon Metairie 5:30 pm
Monday Feb 20 Proteus Uptown 5:15 pm
Orpheus Uptown 6:00 pm
Zeus Metairie 6:30 pm
FAT TUESDAY Feb 21 Zulu Uptown 8:00 am
Rex Uptown 10:00 am
Elks Orleans Uptown 11:30 am
Crescent City Uptown follows Elks
Argus Metairie 10:00 am
Jefferson Trucks Metairie follows Argus
Elks Trucks Metairie follows Jefferson Trucks
BES West Bank

Is the King of Carnival Shrinking in Stature??


Quite possibly, as they are going after the smallest parade in all of Carnival, the ‘Tit Rex parade!! This cool little parade is composed of shoe box sized floats, and they throw miniature doubloons, beads, etc. As to their name, ‘tit is short for the french word for small, ‘petit’.

Now ‘tit Rex wasn’t as well known as the King of Carnival, but now that the Times-Picayune newspaper has thrown a big picture of the diminutive krewe on the front page of today’s paper, along with a nice story covering these developments, ‘tit Rex’s popularity has soared.

'Tit Rex parade float

‘Tit Rex parade float

King of Carnival's King float on St. Charles Avenue

Rex King float

Rex has asked them to stop using their name, as the King of Carnival, in all their wisdom, think the name ‘tit REX will confuse the public. Rex attorney Andrew Rinker Jr said that allowing ‘tit Rex to keep their name would embolden other groups to follow suit, diminishing the uniqueness of the name. ‘Tit Rex doesn’t have an attorney at this point, but if Rex files suit, they will surely obtain one.

Rex was formed in 1872, and ‘tit Rex has staged 3 parades to date, so they began around 2008. ‘Tit Rex was inspired by the miniature floats children create during Mardi Gras.  Rex is considered by many the high point of Fat Tuesday.

Based on these facts, I think Rex is making a mountain out of mole hill. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would confuse a few shoe box sized floats in the Bywater neighborhood with the mighty King of Carnival, which heads down world famous St. Charles Avenue on Fat Tuesday morning at 10:00 am sharp.

This kind of  baloney can only happen in the Crescent City!

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