Hubig’s New Improved Mini King Cake Due Next Week
The huge legion of Mardi Gras devotees and New Orleans food aficionados are jumping for joy now that the Hubig Pie Company, through their Twitter account, let it be known last week that a new improved individual King Cake was forthcoming for the 2011 Carnival Season!
NOLA foodies and Carnival lovers sat up and salivated. Before you could say Savory Simon, #hubigswatch was trending locally.
However, company spokesperson Drew Ramsey said, the new king cake still needs refining.
It’s going to be a little fluffy cinnamon king cake,” Ramsey said, not a fried pie. “With icing. But when it comes to our wrapper, our wrapper breathes. That’s unacceptable. And people want to see the king cake. There was a miscommunication between the wrapper and the icing.”
Ramsey said the new confection will be “reasonably priced” and it will not contain a baby.
“Watch your local convenience stores,” he said.
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